About us
Subsea Mechatronics is an R&D start up SME focused on mechatronics developments and consultancy services. Mechanics, electronics and software are our strengths, including design and manufacturing. Our expertise as a group is focused on the marine environment, hence the name, but is not limited to this area, with the Marine and Aerospace industry, the two main strategy lines of the company. In addition to experience in these sectors of our partners, we also have expertise in the field of digital manufacturing, additive manufacturing, and in the field of bioengineering. The company is strengthened through network connections and linkage with academic and R&D centers with a strong presence in the scientific domain and participation within the european marine robotics community.

Missions, vision and values
Our mission is to provide services (maritime inspections with our ROVs, IoT device installations, and data processing) that are personalized and innovative, and will also have the highest quality, professionalism, and safety, so that our customers are satisfied.
Our vision is to continue demonstrating that the services we are offering are of high quality, in order to continue carrying out projects and thus maximize the value of our resources.
Innovation: Since R+D is where our strategies come from, being a key point in the development of our products.
Team: It would be impossible for us to work separately, in addition to the fact that our work team is made up of highly qualified professionals who know what we are doing.
Quality: The knowledge and professionalism of our workers, along with an optimal work environment, are the main reason for the high quality of our technological solutions to customer problems.
Reliability Our organization is made up of a human team of experts who develop and implement improvements in solutions.

Canary Award for Business Excellence
We are very proud to have received the Canarian Award for Business Excellence in its XI edition, in the category of Small Non-Industrial Business, awarded by the Ministries of Tourism, Industry and Commerce; and the Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Government of the Canary Islands, from the councilor Elena Máñez of the latter, during the 1st Congress of the Industry of the Canary Islands CICAN2022.
We want to thank both ministries for giving visibility to the Canarian industry in this time of global uncertainty that we live in, which reminds us day by day of the importance of having our own strong industry to minimize external dependencies. In this edition, technology-based and knowledge-intensive companies like ours are also made visible, which with the help of the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society (ACIISI) have been able to position ourselves to compete globally in the field of robotics for inspection, maintenance and cleaning of industrial assets.
Innovative SME
SSM has a valid certification of Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Free Electrons
Thanks to the Free Electrons acceleration program in which we were preselected in 2021, SSM has been able to carry out a pilot with ESB inspecting 2 hydro electric plants in Ireland.
Bind 4.0
SSM was selected to participate in the 5th edition of BIND 4.0 by work together with the Corporate Partner of the program ENAGAS. The company carried out an inspection pilot in the premises of ENAGAS in Cartagena in 2020.
SME Instrument
SSM received funding in 2019 from the EC with the SME Instrument Phase I program, for the Toolbot feasibility study.
SSM was selected by RobotUnion among the 20 best robotics startups in 2019, after the 2nd Jury Day of the cascade funding programme.
During 2018, SSM was accelerated by the FIMAC program with our IoT hardware and software developments.
Spanish CDTI from the Ministry of Science and Innovation has funded 2 projects FEDER Innterconecta Pluriregional in 2015 and 2016.
The consortium formed by SSM and Wooptix has been awarded in the 2nd Open Call, 2021, of the RIMA cascade funding project in order to help the companies to carry out experiments for Inspection and Maintenance with SSM's robotics platform together with Wooptix light field cameras.
The Spanish company SubSea Mechatronics (SSM) has developed an underwater ROV called PIPEYE that will allow Iberdrola's team to inspect and clean the large pipelines of our power plants, under the highest quality and safety standards. In 2022 the first part of the pilot has been carried out, and in 2023 a second phase will be implemented. https://www.iberdrola.com/innovation/international-startup-program-perseo/startup-challenge-inspection-cleaning-of-large-pipelines
In 2020, SSM received mentoring support from the EC within the BlueInvest readiness Assistance programme.
SSM was selected to be accelerated in the ProtoAtlantic acceleration program in 2019. SSM got mentoring from The Dock nad access to the infraestructure of INESC-TEST to carry out pressure tests for our equipment.
In 2019 SSM was selected for the final round of the acceleration program PortXL in Rotterdam, and was selected as one of the start-ups for that year, being the first Spanish company participating on the acceleration. SSM developed the market relations with companies such as Van Oord, Boskalis, DEME and others, for the Toolbot concept, during that year, with local presence in Rotterdam.
ACIISI support
SSM has been granted 2 EATICs programmes (2018 and 2021) and 2 IPIs by the regional agency ACIISI.

Marine Park Innovation Center, Bajos de la Playa de Las Alcaravaneras, s/n, 35006 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Phone: + 34 644 198 293
Email: info@subseamechatronics.com